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Pose arche


This type of laying is one of the most popular schemes and often confused with "Peacock's Tail" paving, but is actually a series of stacked arches. The default layout arc is complex and requires the skills of an experienced craftsman.


Upset seals

Installation of annoyed joints


Peacock tail

This model, also known as the "European" standard, is the most complicated model to make.

On the other hand, it's a visually very pleasing layout and it's easy to see exactly why it's been so popular for so long. Ideally, a large area is needed to do this model justice.

The area must be at least 3 meters wide when used as a driveway, otherwise the default becomes "lost".

Pose motifs | Rose de vents


Laying patterns



Laying the paver diagonally is an alternative to laying straight. The technique remains the same for both types of installation; the difference concerns planning and layouts.

The paving stone is laid diagonally from the center of a corner of the work.


Ying Yang

Pose motifs | Ying Yang

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